The Adventures of Kaylin and Kenzie

Two Sisters and their many adventures and stories.

The Case of the Lost Fun

“Kaylin and Kenzie are on the case.” I’ve heard the girls say before while they are playing. It’s usually said after I ask them to find my cell phone they enjoy hiding so much.  They have amazing imaginations and it… Continue Reading →

The Adventures of Kaylin and Kenzie: Horror Edition

Growing up we are always eager for a little excitement and to be a little scared now and then. I often would watch movies my mother warned me about, she said they would give me nightmares. I didn’t have many… Continue Reading →

The Adventures with the Babysitters

It was date night and we did what every parent does, beg family to watch our kids. They agreed and we couldn’t wait to plan our quiet evening. We ran to Costco, came home quickly to put away our spoils,… Continue Reading →

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